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5 Tips to Manage Financial Stress

General Crystal Pestell 13 Nov

With inflation, rising interest rates, and the overall cost of living on the rise, it’s natural to feel anxious about your financial situation. But don’t worry! Here are some tips to help you manage financial stress and navigate these economic changes:

Focus on What You Can Control

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when the economy is unpredictable. Instead of fixating on factors beyond your control, concentrate on what you can manage. Review your phone bill and services to see if you can cut costs temporarily, examine your grocery spending for cheaper alternatives, or consider buying in bulk. Taking these steps can help you save money and give you a sense of control, reducing stress.

Prioritize Essential Bills

If paying your monthly bills feels overwhelming, prioritize them. Identifying which bills are most critical can alleviate anxiety and prevent you from scrambling at the last minute. This process may also reveal areas where you can cut back on unnecessary expenses, making it easier to manage your finances.

Automate Payments and Savings

If you struggle to keep up with bills or saving money, consider automating your finances. Set up automatic payments to ensure your bills are paid on time, reducing the stress of missed payments and potential penalties. Additionally, automate transfers to your savings account on payday. This way, you’ll be less tempted to spend that money elsewhere.

Explore Ways to Increase Your Income

If cash flow is tight, finding additional sources of income can be a game changer. Look for part-time work on weekends, offer consulting services in your field, or ask for extra hours at your current job. This is also a great time to discuss a potential raise with your manager.

Consult Your Mortgage Professional

For many, the mortgage is the largest monthly expense. If you’re feeling the financial pinch, consider discussing your situation with your mortgage broker. They can help you explore options like changing your payment schedule or finding a mortgage product with better rates, especially if you’re nearing the end of your term. Be open about your circumstances and ask about your options.

No matter your financial situation, there are often solutions available to help reduce stress and ensure you maintain healthy monthly cash flow.